Also created with Midjourney

John Huston…

  • Likes process and design: left and right.

  • Is a technical writer and UI/UX designer and researcher.

  • Has a background in book publishing and editing.

  • Was a military helicopter pilot.

For John, process is a passion.

“Technical writers have morphed from ‘writers’ to ‘communicators’ of technical content, and they must understand which tools most effectively convey information to their audience.”

The steps…

  • Learn the subject.

  • Consider the audience.

  • Interpret the material.

  • Decide on a communication strategy.

  • Circle back.

The fine print…

John is from Portland, Oregon. He has a B.A. in history, a B.S. in aeronautics, an M.S. in book publishing, and he is finishing an M.S. in technical/professional writing. He believes understanding how to communicate from one group to another is how we grow our culture, technology, and the technical writing community.


Created with Midjourney

