Mediawiki Site Merge


The entire Portland State University Technical Communications Wiki page was moved from Google Sites to a Miraheze Mediawiki site. This project was completed by four, three-person teams using three sprints in an Agile environment. Weekly scrums were required both across the teams and inter-team to ensure the client's phase goals were met. Our team created two procedure documents for the migration, one for the creation of new pages within Miraheze and another for adding and styling tables for each article. The entire project was completed on time and to the satisfaction of the client, including our team's part.


  • Project Planning/Project Management

  • Editing

  • User Research

  • Style Guides/Standards

  • Audience Analysis


  • Collaboration

  • Time management/deadlines

  • Leadership


  • Miraheze

  • Google Sites

  • Trello

John Huston